

40-70% off gym memberships at over 200 providers across Aotearoa. 

Secure Your Membership in 3 Easy Steps:

  1. Select your region
  2. Choose a gym
  3. Complete membership form

*These subsidies are exclusive to new members or those without a gym membership in the past 12 months, or who haven’t previously purchased or received a subsidised membership. While stock lasts.

Select a region or facility

Select a region or facility

Select a region or facility

Select a region or facility

Y-Fitness Ellerslie

3 Month Membership

Subsidy 50%

Regular Price $387

Michaels Avenue, Ellerslie


Culture Fitness

12 Month Membership

Subsidy 40%

Regular Price $829.4

L1 (6a) 1 Hamill Road, Halswell, Christchurch


Bay City Gym

6 Month Membership

Subsidy 40%

Regular Price $632.4

129 Latham St, Marewa, Napier


Manurewa Fitness Centre

3 Month Membership

Subsidy 50%

Regular Price $182

Sykes Road, Manurewa


BFT – Airport Oaks

3 Month Membership

Subsidy 40%

Regular Price $845

14A Rennie Drive, Mangere, Auckland, 2022, New Zealand


Snap Fitness – Johnsonville

6 Month Membership

Subsidy 40%

Regular Price $531.44

Shop 5, 33-39 Johnsonville Road, Johnsonville


East Coast Bays Leisure Centre

12 Month Membership

Subsidy 40%

Regular Price $715

12 Bute Rd, Browns Bay


Snap Fitness – Mairangi Bay

3 Month Membership

Subsidy 40%

Regular Price $343.85

32 Constellation Drive, Mairangi Bay
